Integreat Director part of national expert group on AI

The Research Council of Norway (RCN) has appointed Arnoldo Frigessi, Director of Integreat, to the advisory expert group in the start-up phase of the new national artificial intelligence (AI) initiative.

Arnoldo Frigessi, Director of Integreat - Norwegian Centre for Knowledge-driven Machine Learning

National investment in artificial intelligence efforts in research on AI and digital technologies will be increased by at least one billion NOK over the next five years. RCN states that the research funding will contribute to greater insight into the implications of technology development for society. It will also provide more knowledge about new digital technologies and opportunities for innovation in the business sector and public sector.

RCN has therefore established an advisory expert group during the start-up phase of the AI initiative from October 2023 to January 2024. Arnoldo Frigessi, representing Integreat, is member of the group.

Image may contain: Glasses, Smile, Vision care, Sleeve, Collar.“It's important to help RCN in targeting the funding in the best possible ways, and I am delighted to be part of the team which will do this. The mandate that defines our job is precise and good. Research-Norway should use these fantastic funding to strengthen its competence in an international perspective, as this is needed to reinforce competitivity. I also hope that we do not forget the need to increase the presence of women and other under-represented groups in AI in Norway”, says Arnoldo Frigessi.

In addition to Frigessi, the other group members are; Tanja Storsul (group leader), Cathrine Pihl Lyngstad, Eirik Andreassen, Ieva Martinkenaite, Inga Strümke, Jill W. Rettberg, John Krogstie, Klas Pettersen, Olav Lysne, Petter Bae Brandtzæg, Signe Riemer-Sørensen, and Tobias Mahler.

For the next few weeks, the advisory expert group will prepare a document describing the current situation identifying areas where research and research-based competence in AI are most needed, and where Norway has a particular opportunity to move the research front (deadline November 15). In addition, the document will outline the expectations for the AI initiative and the desired impact in 2030. By December 20, the expert group will jointly produce a document with proposals for actions to fulfill the expectations for the AI initiative.

Read more here (In Norwegian).

Av Christoffer Hals
Publisert 27. okt. 2023 10:19 - Sist endret 29. nov. 2023 13:10