Integreat Tuesday seminar: Aksel Braanen Sterri

Making AI sustainable

Bildet kan inneholde: person, panne, kinn, hake, smil.


Making AI sustainable


In this talk, I assess the claim that AI might be unsustainable and explore ways to make AI sustainable. My first claim is that the unsustainability of AI is neither inevitable nor technologically determined but rather a societal and political choice. I examine several political solutions and find them lacking due to issues such as enforcement, incentives, and value loss. I advocate for carbon taxes and other Pigovian taxes as effective tools to address unsustainable AI by providing financial incentives to reduce environmental impacts. However, these economic solutions alone are insufficient. Other solutions of particular importance are international efforts to improve AI safety, and extending cost-benefit analyses to include animal welfare and the intrinsic value of nature.


Aksel Sterri is a Postdoctoral Researcher in Philosophy at Oslo Metropolitan University and Research Director in Langsikt, a think tank dedicated to solving problems of long-term importance.


The speaker is presenting in person at the Blindern campus, Niels Henrik Abels building, 8th floor. 

This seminar is part of the seminar series on the thematic focus of sustainibility (Objective 3: Fair, Explainable, and Trustworthy Learning). 

The Tuesdays seminars series are devoted to various topics relevant for the Integreat´s research focus. Presenters from the Integreat community and beyond have 40 minutes to present, followed by a group discussion. 

Seminars are open for attendance for everybody.  

For those unable to attend in person: 

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Published June 25, 2024 3:07 PM - Last modified June 26, 2024 1:48 PM