Integreat Tuesday seminar: Tonje Nerby

AI, scarce resources and climate transition

Bildet kan inneholde: person, panne, kinn, hake, smil.


AI, scarce resources and climate transition


This presentation will discuss the sustainability challenges posed by a new wave of resource intensive artificial intelligence (AI). While AI has a potential to benefit the climate transition, it also requires significant amounts of energy to function. An estimate of IEA suggests that the AI industry´s energy consumption will increase tenfold by 2026. Generating a single image can require as much energy as charging a smartphone and using a chatbot ten times more energy than a search engine. As AI becomes more integrated into our daily digital lives, it’s important to consider how to develop and use this technology in a sustainable way. To address these challenges, this talk will discuss what types of actions can be important for Norway.


Tonje Nerby leads the Norwegian Technology Council's projects on green transition. She has a bachelor's degree in political science and a master's degree in industrial ecology from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). She has previously worked for the Norwegian Environment Agency, the Norwegian Digitalisation Agency, and for the City of Oslo. Tonje has experience working with climate and environment in public procurement, and as an expert on circular economy.


The speaker is presenting in person at the Blindern campus, Niels Henrik Abels building, 8th floor. 

This seminar is part of the seminar series on the thematic focus of sustainibility (Objective 3: Fair, Explainable, and Trustworthy Learning). 

The Tuesdays seminars series are devoted to various topics relevant for the Integreat´s research focus. Presenters from the Integreat community and beyond have 40 minutes to present, followed by a group discussion. 

Seminars are open for attendance for everybody.  

For those unable to attend in person: 

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Published June 21, 2024 2:26 PM - Last modified June 26, 2024 1:48 PM