Norwegian version of this page

Launching Centre of Excellence Integreat

Welcome to the official launch of the Norwegian Centre of Excellence on knowledge-driven machine learning (Integreat).

Integreat invites to the official launch with prominent guests and engaging programme around Artificial Intelligence research in Norway. Detailed and updated programme (link to the Norwegian website). The research centre on knowledge-driven machine learning was established in September 2023. With funding from the Research Council of Norway, hosted by University of Oslo, and placed at the Department of Mathematics, the centre is led by close collaborations between University of Oslo, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, and the Norwegian Computing Centre. 

Integreat will improve machine learning and make it more sustainable, accurate, trustworthy, and ethical.

About the Centre

Integreat is a Centre of Excellence funded by the Research Council of Norway

Norwegian centre for knowledge-driven machine learning

Integreat is led by the research communities in the fields of statistics, informatics, medicine, and ethics from the University of Oslo, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, and the Norwegian Computing Centre.

With world-leading researchers, young talents, and renowned international scientists, Integreat will contribute to shaping the new field of knowledge-driven machine learning in Norway.

Machine learning is the mathematical and computational engine of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and therefore a fundamental force of technological progress in our increasingly digital, data-driven world.

Unlike the current focus on data-centric approaches in machine learning, Integreat develops theories, methods, models and algorithms that integrate general and domain-specific knowledge with data, laying the foundations of next generation machine learning. This will be done by combining the mathematical and computational cultures, and the methodologies of statistics, logic and machine learning in unique ways.

Integreat's machine learning will solve fundamental problems in science, technology, health and society, and contribute to make Norway a world leading country in AI.

The centre was established in September in 2023 and will run until 2033.

More about the Centre's research.


Detailed and updated programme (link to the Norwegian website).

Programme includes formal speeches and congratulations from prominent guests, representing Ministry of Education and Research, University of Oslo and University of Tromsø leadership, centre's leadership. At the ending part of the launching event, we will be hosting a panel debate on a relevant topic around use of Artificial Intelligence.

Practical information

Main language of the event is Norwegian. Open for everyone. Limited number of seatings. 


Points of contact

Media contacts: Centre Director Arnoldo Frigessi and Administrative leader Maria Dikova

Funded by Research Council of Norway, SFF-V (2023-2033)

Bildet kan inneholde: font, merke, logo.

Published June 27, 2024 1:45 PM - Last modified July 4, 2024 9:20 AM