Integreat at Arendalsuka 2024

Integreat is present at the largest political gathering in Norway "Arendalsuka 2024", 12-16 August. This event is held in Norwegian.

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Panel debate on how we can use more AI in Norway? 

Full information (external website, in Norwegian only)


The Norwegian government is actively advocating for the heightened adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) to effectively address significant challenges across various sectors. In pursuit of this objective, Integreat researchers have extended invitations to esteemed experts from the public sector, enterprises, and political realms, to partake in a discourse centered around identifying and deliberating on these challenges, as well as exploring potential solutions.


Integreat Deputy Director Professor Ingrid Glad

State of the art of AI use in Norway

Integreat Centre Director Professor Arnoldo Frigessi, University of Oslo
Deputy Director General Guri Kaspara Lande, Norwegian Digitalisation Agency (Digdir)

Increased use of AI in governance - challenges and possible solutions

Integreat Codirector Professor Lilja Øvrelid , University of Oslo
Head of section Cathrine Pihl Lyngstad , Data, NAV IT

Increased use of AI in small and medium-sized businesses - challenges and possible solutions

Research Director Anders Løland , Norwegian Computing Centre
Leader for technology and network Eirik Andreassen , DigitalNorway

Increased use of AI in the healthcare sector - challenges and possible solutions

Associate Professor Ingrid Hobæk Haff , University of Oslo

CEO Terje Rootwelt , South-Eastern Norway Regtional Health Authoriry
Tech lead Eirik Vegler Broen , Helsedata i Oslo,  Oslo Origo (agency for digitalisation) Oslo municipality.

Panel debate: solutions

Moderator: Integreat Deputy centre director Professor Ingrid Glad

Panel members:

  • Alfred Bjørlo, Stortingsrepresentant, Næringskomiteen, Venstre
  • Rune Støstad, Stortingsrepresentant, Næringskomiteen, Arbeiderpartiet
  • Katrine Tjølsen, Leder av MDGs utvalg for kunstig intelligens, MDG


This event is held in Norwegian. No prior registration required, however, limited seating. 

First come, first serve.

Point of contact: Administrative Leader at Integreat

About Arendalsuka 

From the website Arendalsuka

Arendalsuka is the largest political gathering in Norway held annually since 2012. The event’s mission is clear: strengthen the belief in political empowerment and democracy through open debate and involvement.

Arendalsuka is the result of co-creation between national and local political parties, NGO's, universities, research institutions, private companies and the Municipality of Arendal.

Arendalsuka takes place every year in mid-August. For 5 days, the city of Arendal is filled with an interesting and educational variety of exhibitions and events.

Published July 1, 2024 3:51 PM - Last modified July 4, 2024 9:23 AM