Presentation: How is it to be queer in Norwegian workplaces?

Doctoral Fellow Per August Jarval Moen is the co-author of the report examining the workplace experiences of queer employees in Norway. At the Integreat internal seminar, he presents statistical methodology that was used.


On June 25th, a collaboration between Equality Check and Pride culminated in a detailed report examining the workplace experiences of queer employees in Norway. Through thorough statistical analysis of survey data collected from more than 5,000 Norwegian employees across various industries, the report offers an empirical look at the current state of workplace equality and opportunity. The findings in the report underscore the necessity for ongoing efforts to enhance inclusivity in Norwegian workplaces. As a co-author and the analyst responsible for interpreting the data,  Doctoral Fellow Per August Jarval Moen will provide a quick overview of the report and the underlying statistical methodology. 


About the report (in Norwegian)

This seminar is an internal seminar that is open to all with Integreat affiliation. 

Published June 25, 2024 8:40 PM - Last modified June 25, 2024 8:43 PM